
RoadMap -

The player intent -

The players intent is to travel from one map to another while seeing the environment change from a house to across the countryside to another house by solving puzzles and getting through obstacles.

Theme of the game - 

The theme of the game is a single player story/ puzzle game.

Background/Story *If there is one* -

The story of the game is a ball wants to leave a house and travel the countryside to get to another house of the ball's friend.

Total time it should take to complete your game - 

The total time it should take to complete this game is less than 15 minutes. 

WHY *Why did you make your game the way you did? What was your thought process?  -

My why for this game is create a simple puzzle game that is relaxing and calm while still making you think and have fun. I made this game the way I did because it is personally fun while challenging to someone who hasn't played this game yet. My thought process while making this game was to make sure people that did not create this game would be able to complete this game while still having fun. 

Get Rolling Ball Game

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